The ALLOY MARLIN series.
no's 61,62,63,64. on the catalogue page.
These lures are constructed from lathe turned aluminium alloy and the heads are currently funished in chrome.However once that stock is exhausted they will be produced in anodised silver and anodised blue.
Length:approx 30 cm (11 inches).Skirts: fixed in normal fashion.
Rigging: running trace... Centre hole: lined with PVC. ...Trace: up to 400lb.
Hook: 10/0,11/0,12/0...Recess; in back to allow wedging of sleeve if desired.
Trolling speed: 7 to 12 knots depending on head style and sea state.
Head Style: no 61-"fatso":
-concave face square to axis .Hole centred.Increasing diameter toward rear of head,then reverse taper.Action--mild shake with occaisional pop.
no 62--"shimmy":
-concave face square to axis.Hole centred.Broad face with marked reverse taper to rear of head.Action--vigourous shaker with occaisional pop and good bubble trail.
no 63--"wedge":
-angled flat face with hole centred.Wide face with even reverse taper to rear of head.Action--combined shake weave and pop.Good bubble trail.Good roooster tail at surface pop when set up right.
no 64--"plunger style':
-angled flat face with hole centred.Positive then reverse taper toward rear of lure head. Similar action to "wedge"above but not quite so vigourous.
Skirt colours:
(a) black and purple,(b) Pink and blue,(c) blue and white,(d) mexican flag.
Optional to buy lure with skirts fitted or just head only.
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